Welcome to HP BeeFarm, a small family bee farm in southern Poland. Our bee farm was established in 2016. It’s a reference to the family tradition. Beekeeping was already practiced in the area of our apiary at the beginning of the 20th century. The apiary is located in a remote area, surrounded by meadows and farmland, close to the forest. This allows us to obtain honey from various plants from early spring to late fall. We are fascinated by both the complex interrelationships that exist in the insect community as well as the rich, long-standing traditions of beekeeping.


Polyfloral Honey

Polyfloral honey is renowned for its diverse taste and numerous health benefits.
Nutrient-Rich Composition: This honey contains a wide spectrum of nutrients, enzymes, and antioxidants, making it highly valued by healthy lifestyle enthusiasts.
Energy Boost: The simple sugars in polyfloral honey, such as glucose and fructose, provide a quick energy boost, which is especially beneficial during moments of fatigue and exhaustion.
Cardiovascular Health: The easily digestible nutrients in this honey help improve cardiovascular function by nourishing the heart muscle.
Anti-Inflammatory and Antibacterial Properties: Polyfloral honey’s anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties aid in treating infections and relieving cold symptoms.
Antioxidant Properties: The antioxidants in polyfloral honey support overall immunity and can help prevent heart disease and atherosclerosis.
Digestive Aid: Regularly consuming polyfloral honey can improve digestion and soothe the digestive system.
Skincare: Polyfloral honey’s moisturizing and soothing properties make it an excellent natural skin care agent.
Culinary Uses: This honey is a versatile addition to dishes, drinks, and desserts, enhancing flavor and providing nutritional benefits.
Polyfloral honey is a highly beneficial natural product supporting energy levels, heart health, immune function, digestion, and skincare.

Honeydew-Actar Honey

Honeydew honey is a nutrient-rich variety that offers a multitude of health benefits.
Rich in Bioelements: Honeydew honey contains up to nine times more elements than actar honey. These include easily digestible forms of sodium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, and magnesium. Uniquely, it also contains trace elements such as silver, tin, molybdenum, and vanadium.
Nutritional Composition: This honey has twice as much glucose as fructose and is richer in amino acids, proteins, and enzymes compared to nectar honey. It also contains small amounts of vitamins A, C, PP, K, B2, and B6.
Antimicrobial Properties: Honeydew honey exhibits strong antimicrobial properties, making it effective in fighting infections.
Medicinal Properties:
Anti-Inflammatory and Expectorant: It helps reduce inflammation and soothe persistent coughs, making it useful for colds and more serious respiratory conditions like pneumonia and asthma.
Immune Support and Detoxification: It strengthens immunity and has detoxifying properties, beneficial for those working in harmful conditions or recovering from antibiotic treatments.
Heart Health: Honeydew honey regulates heart function, dilates coronary vessels, lowers blood pressure, and improves circulation.
Metabolism and Kidney Function: It positively affects metabolism and enhances kidney function.
Wound Healing: This honey promotes faster healing of wounds, frostbite, and burns.
Calming Effects: It has a calming effect, reduces nervous tension, and helps alleviate anxiety and insomnia.
Additionally, honeydew honey can reduce the toxic effects of harmful substances like tobacco and alcohol, providing relief and supporting overall health.

Goldenrod Honey

Goldenrod honey is a highly valuable product renowned for its unique health-promoting properties.
Strengthens the Immune System: Packed with nutrients, minerals, and vitamins, goldenrod honey supports the body’s immune system, helping to combat infections and diseases.
Supports Digestion: This honey regulates intestinal function, improving digestion and the absorption of nutrients from food.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties: The anti-inflammatory properties of goldenrod honey help alleviate inflammation throughout the body.
Antibacterial Effects: Thanks to its enzymes and active compounds, goldenrod honey acts as a natural antibiotic, aiding in the fight against infections.
Regulates Blood Sugar Levels: Despite its sugar content, goldenrod honey has a lower glycemic index compared to other honey varieties, making it more suitable for individuals with diabetes.
Goldenrod honey is especially beneficial during colds and inflammation, as it strengthens the body and supports its natural regenerative processes. It can also help treat urinary tract ailments such as cystitis, prostatitis, and kidney stones. The substances in goldenrod honey can increase blood supply to tissues, aiding in the treatment of these conditions. Additionally, it contains flavonoids like rutin and quercetin, which are known to support kidney function. Consequently, goldenrod honey serves as a valuable natural remedy for urinary ailments.


We would be delighted if you would share with us a photo of the HP BeeFarm products in a location where you enjoy them.
Photos and coordinates you can send to henryk_przeklasa@o2.pl


BEEKEEPER: Henryk Przeklasa

ID: RHD 12163561

ADDRESS: Rudka 42, 32-830 Wojnicz, Poland

E-MAIL: henryk_przeklasa@o2.pl